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Minggu, 10 April 2011

Longitudinal Palace from Southeast Sulawesi

Pavilion or the main building the bridge takes the form of the Palace of the Sultan of Buton (called Malige) are magnificent. Although established only with each other hook, without straps or spikes, these buildings can stand with the sturdy and majestic above the password that became the foundation base. Statue two male horses yan is fighting, complement the building, describing the tradition of horse complain of the public favored Muna Island Sulawesi Tenggara

At Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, East Sulawesi pavilion is located in the southeast arsipel, adjacent to the bridge in South Sulawesi as well as dealing with the court the children of Indonesia. In introducing the area of ?? Southeast Sulawesi province shows that the main building be an imitation of the king's palace, called Buton Malige.

The building is deliberately displayed as the original buildings still exist on the island of Buton and is one of historic cultural heritage. In the courtyard pavilion is equipped with statues of people dressed in customary among others from the area Buton, Muna, Kendari and Koloka. Also the statue of two male horses that are competing, fighting mare. The scene in describing Pogerano Ajara, the type of complaints typical horse Southeast Sulawesi, and is the game of kings. Besides Anoa, deer and others.

Buton Buton custom house or a building on top of the mast, and entirely of wood. Banguanannya consists of four levels or four floors. The first floor space larger than the second floor. While the fourth floor is greater than the third floor, so the older the smaller or narrow room, but on the fourth floor a little more broad.

The whole building without using nails in the making, but wearing wooden pegs or nails. Front masts consist of 5 pieces that lined up to eight rows back, until the total is 40 poles. Middle pole loomed up and the main mast is called Tutumbu which means growing. These poles are made of wood everything wala da quadrangular. For ordinary folk's house, round pillars. Usually these poles truncated peak.

By looking at the number of pole beside it be known who or what the position of the owner. Traditional house that has a pole beside the 4 pieces means that house consists of 3 ponds is home to ordinary people. Custom home side piled 6 units will have 5 spaces or rooms, this house is usually owned by the employee or member's home custom Sultan Buton sultanate. While the traditional house that has a pole beside the 8 pieces means the house has seven rooms and is specifically to house the Sultan of Buton.

The composition of the room in this palace is as follows:

1 The first floor consists of 7 plot or a room, the room first and second serves sebgai place to receive guests or members Hadat Kingdom courtroom Buton. The third room is divided in two, which the left is used for guest bedroom, and dining room to the right as a guest. The fourth room was also divided by two, function rooms sebgai Sultan children who are married. The fifth room dining room sebgai Sultan, or the inner room, while the sixth and seventh room from left to right diperguakan as treason children grown perempouan Sultan, Sultan of rooms and room the boys are grown Sultan.

In Southeast Sulawesi platform, this first floor room construction or arrangement has been modified in accordance with the purposes, as a cultural aspect of the exhibition and demonstration area. Here the traditional oversized clothes on display along with Kendall king queen, king oversized clothing also Muna, warlord or Kapitalao, large or Banto Balano minister and the officer Pasi royal heirloom. Everything is on display with dolls dressed in traditional form. In even this ruanga dioamerkan various types of results kerajiana Kendall silver, wicker-woven handicraft, woven and heirlooms, some goci and various animals that have been preserved, such as turtles, birds Meleo, scaly turtles, monitor lizards, hornbills and others.

2 The second floor is divided into 14 one room, ie 7 rooms on the right side and 7 rooms on the left side. Each room has its own ladder until there are 7 stairs on the left and 7 steps to the right, all 14 pieces of the stairs. The function of these rooms are for family guests, as an office, and as a warehouse. Large room located adjacent to the front as a family living room of the Sultan, while an even larger as the Hall.

3 The third floor serves as a place of recreation

4 Floor fourth serves as a place for drying. In addition to building Malige room there is a building of such houses on stilts mecil, which is used as a kitchen, which dihubungakan with one gang on top of the mast as well. In this building the bridge in [used as office pavilion. In Malige building there are 2 kinds of ornaments, namely ukira dragon ridge located above the house, and pineapple carvings that hung on board the eaves, and under the front side rooms. The second such decoration mengandunga a very deep meaning, which is carving a dragon is a symbol of the greatness of the kingdom of Buton.

While the pineapple fruit carving, in pineapple stems that have only grown a pineapple, symbolizing that there is only one Emperor in the kingdom of Buton. Pineapple flower crowned, meaning that the right to the royal umbrella umbrella with only the Sultan of Buton only. Pineapple is a fruit seed, but seeds do not grow pineapple from seed, but from rumpunya new shoots arise. This means that the sultanate of Buton not as an heirloom breed of children that can be passed on to her own child. Philosophy pineapple in dilambangakan as sultanate of Buton, Buton and Malige human-like cavity. Southeast Sulawesi region Anjugan built since 1973 and was inaugurated for use in 1975.

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